
A Thug's Life

One of the greatest aspects of getting to know someone is finding out what makes them tick. We all start at square one, answering the obligatory what are you majoring in? or where are you from? until we're able to get below the surface and hear about the hidden talents or passions that make this Comm major from Cleveland different from that Poli-Sci major from upstate New York. What I'm referring to isn't favorite color or favorite food, but rather that rare and incredible moment when a football player you've known since sophomore year reveals his penchant for writing heartbreaking poetry.

On the other side of the spectrum we have the party tricks of the world. They may not bring tears to our eyes like the prose of a Defensive End, but I'm a firm believer that there's inherent value in people's quirks. My party trick? Rapping. Not freestyle or anything, just this crazy ability to rap hip hop songs verbatim. Though it's not necessarily my most marketable skill, in a perfect world I'd be able to capitalize on this strange talent, live the life of Yeezy and take champagne showers.
Snoop and the late, great 2Pac living the (my) dream. 
Alas, the world we live in isn't perfect, and the demand for lady-rappers that know every word of Kanye West's 2007 album Graduation is utterly nonexistent. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a pretty AWESOME skill. I love Kanye, not ironically (as I look like I should be drinking a PBR somewhere) And who knows, blogging wasn't a marketable skill ten years ago, you never know what will make you more marketable!
